Thursday, March 21, 2013


You're here because nothing is right in our country; you're here because we're living under the worst civilian dictatorship our country has ever had; and because we have never witnessed this sort of cluelessness, recklessness, lawlessness and impotence at the helm of affairs of this country.

Any further attempt to analyse the level of damage, destruction, insecurity, and corruption prevailing in this country today is to resume another round of whipping on the proverbial dead horse.

The spate of Boko Haram bombings, budgeting of billions of Naira for the construction of infrastructure of vanity for the presidency, and the recent pardoning of convicted criminals in the same circles as the president would have cleared any doubts about the intentions of the Executive arm of this government.

The action to take now, is not the writing of lengthy lamentations, or tweeting of rants on Twitter, or even hitting the streets to protest a la "Ocuppy Nigeria", but to abide by the lawful, orderly, and Constitutional means of dealing with such matters: We must impeach the president. We are left with no alternative.

It is only citizens who have not read the Constitution Of The Federal Republic Of Nigeria that are not aware of their lawful right to serve their Senators orders, including those requesting for the impeachment of the President.

In a case whereby Senators heed not to such a request by the electorate of their Senatorial District, Section 69 of the Constitution enables them to be removed and replaced with those more keen to do as told.

If you want change, it begins with writing out, printing, or filling the relevant information ( Your address, Date, Senatorial District address of the Senator representing the District where you registered as a voter, Senator's name, Your name, and the VIN on your Voters' Card). Submit to the Senatorial District Office, and start meeting, and lobbying within whatever interest group, union, or association you belong to to get as many as two thirds of registered voters in Nigeria involved too.

You may also edit as you deem fit, print, and share to fellow citizens who may not have access to the internet. Thank you.


Senator  _______________________,

           Request For The Impeachment Of The President Of The Federal Republic Of Nigeria 

Accept this instant notice as a request for initiating impeachment proceedings, pursuant to Section 143 of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, against Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, the sitting president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
The president has engaged in various activities which amount to gross misconduct including, but not limited to:
1. Wanton and wasteful expenditure of state resources.
2. Inaction in the face of widespread loss of lives and properties he swore to protect.
3. Disregard for due process in declaring his personal assets.
4. Abuse of office in the appointment of his friends and political sponsors as head of agencies.
5. Use of state instruments to pardon his criminal friends previous convicted.
6. Dictatorial impositions on Nigerian citizens without due process in the instances of removing fuel subsidy, and renaming Federal parastatals.

Goodluck Ebele Jonathan has also shown absolute incompetence in handling issues of national importance at the helm of affairs of this nation, with grave consequences. The conduct of President Jonathan is a violation of his Oath of Office, and his duties and obligations.

Endeavour to commence the process of impeachment immediately, as there will be no hesitation to invoke Section 69 of 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on failure to perform this most exigent duty.

Name: __________________
VIN (Voters' Identification Number) : _______________________


  1. This is a very good write up, but if only Nigerians would come together as one an act. Keep up the work.

  2. Yes, I tell you Harry, the problem is not getting Nigerians to agree that things are not going well for them. The real issue is getting them to solve their problem together.

  3. If You all (Harry $ Najeeb) agree its a laudable idea then let's get started. It begines with you. I'd called for this long ago, since the killing of the 60 Students of FGC Buni-Yadi; ts time to straigthened the crooked ways in Nigeria!! Good Job poster

  4. I have already printed, dated, and signed my own letter since last year. I will make several reprints fill one for myself, and share some to others. When I'm done, I will send my copy to my Senator next week (today being a Friday).

  5. All part of the movement. But the question is who will succeed GEJ?

  6. @Anonymous,

    I can succeed GEJ if a nation of 170,000,000 has no one else. I'm not one of those people who will start calling names of other failed Nigerian politicians from other Political Parties. This is about "WE, THE PEOPLE"!

    Goodluck Ebele Jonathan should be impeached, and in the first month after Namadi Sambo assumes office, if he's unable to make visible improvement in all sectors where Nigeria is failing, we impeach him too and move on to David Mark, who will not be allowed to contest in the next elections, but will be responsible for conducting the next free and fair elections.
